Winter Skin Care with Neutrogena Hydro Boost

We’ve reached that time of year when my skin takes a beating! The cold air outside, the dry heat from the car, the house, and my classroom- all leave my skin feeling so dry!! My skin on my hands and face feels like it belongs to an alligator instead of a human being. Yes, winter is here and that means it’s time to hydrate and moisturize.

While hydrating and moisturizing are essential steps in restoring skin’s moisture barrier, some may seek additional solutions to address concerns like fine lines and wrinkles. Fortunately, advancements in skincare offer a plethora of options for those seeking wrinkle relief. From topical treatments enriched with hydrating ingredients to non-invasive procedures like microneedling and laser therapy, individuals can explore various avenues to rejuvenate their skin and combat signs of aging.

My Winter Skincare Tips

  1. Hydration starts on the inside! Drink more than your fair share of water.
  2. Add a humidifier to your living space. This will also help with the dry skin in your nose and throat during the night.
  3. Sleep on a satin pillow case. Cotton/flannel pillow cases remove moisture from your skin. This will also help decrease wrinkles.
  4. Give yourself a weekly facial.
  5. Use hydrating cleansers, moisturizers, and serums each day.

What I’m Using

For the past two months, I’ve been using Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost Water Gel and Hydro Boost Multivitamin Booster to combat dry skin. Twice a day, the Neutrogena® Hydro Boost Water Gel instantly quenches dry skin and keeps it my skin looking smooth, supple, glowing, and hydrated day. As an added bonus, both products contain hydrating hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in the skin and acts as a sponge, absorbing up to 1,000 times its weight in water. They’re also paraben free!

What’s In It & What’s Not In it?

I’m all about ingredients these days, and I work to avoid anything that will increase my estrogen levels or cause hormonal imbalance. So I did my research. Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost products are:

  • Non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores)
  • 100% alcohol free
  • paraben free
  • oil free
  • purified Hyaluronic Acid
  • added Vitamin E
  • primarily WATER!

My Results & Recommendations

I’d say my results have been excellent! I’ve had no clogged pores, no discoloration, no acne, and no dry skin. My skin feels smooth, supple, non-greasy, and looks clear. It has been a great product to add to my winter skin care routine. Now if only I could find something for my dried out hands! (I wash them at least 20 times a day, and is my skin DRY.)

Where to Find Neutrogena

The beauty of Neutrogena is it’s ease of use and competitive price points. For approximately $20 each, you can find these hydrating products at most all major retailers, beauty stores, pharmacies, or directly online from Neutrogena. For one moment, I wished they offered larger sizes. However, through years of use, I’ve learned that a product can oxidize over time and loose it’s effectiveness if the containers are too large. Are you in need of moisture and hydration without the greasiness? Try the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Line!

This post was sponsored by Neturogena. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and above all, honest!



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