Join us for a quick weekend getaway to Oregon for our 11th wedding anniversary!

Portland, Oregon

Mt. Saint Helens in the distance, in the twilight of the day.
We spent most of our time in downtown Portland. I was blown away by the beautiful Rose Garden. The drive up to the Rose Garden and the Portland Japanese Gardens presented stunning views of the Mt. Hood, St. John, and Mt. Saint Helens.

It was so pretty Jocelyn didn’t want to leave.
Don’t forget to allow the children to play at the Rose Garden Park, nestled quietly in the shade of the Hemlock and Yew trees.

Rose Garden Park
The Willamette River snakes through the center of downtown, allowing for waterfront parks and views.
Portland was made for those who want to lead an active lifestyle. There were biking, hiking, and running trails all over the city. I took advantage of the complementary bicycle provided to us by our hotel, and got in my morning workouts each day. I loved criss-crossing the Steele and Hawthorne Bridges near the Waterfront Park.

The Crown Plaza hotel was wonderful and so hospitable. It offers complimentary bicycles to its guest.

The Bike locks at Waterfront Park, reminiscent of the locks in Paris.
Are you in need of a good meal? Grab great food at one of the one hundred of food trucks in downtown Portland, OR. Has you sweet tooth been appeased yet? Be sure to check out Voodoo Donuts. They’re huge!

Multhnomah Falls
We also took the time to visit Multnomah Falls located near the Columbia River Gorge. Take your walking shoes and enjoy the relaxing views and trails just 45 minutes from downtown Portland, OR. If you’re up to it, take a vigorous stroll upward to the top of the Multnomah Falls. My 5 year old loved every moment of it.

Horseshoe Tail

Stepping into current that eventually became the waterfall.
If you’re able to, take a day trip to the Oregon Coast. In under two hours, you’ll be taking in the majestic sights along the Pacific Coast Highway. Stop along the way and enjoy the breathtaking sights!
We visited a number of beaches during our 2 days at the Coast. Seaside, Cannon Beach, Arcadia Beach, and Cape Arch all had beautiful sights. Seaside was the most touristy. Cannon Beach however, in my opinion, was the most quaint and lovable. We spent the day playing among the tide pools where we discovered starfish, anemones, and crabs. Being landlocked here in North Texas I only get to enjoy such things when we take an airplane ride to another state.
Hungry? Please walk take moment to drop in at to enjoy a hearty meal of Fish & Chips. Don’t forget the clam chowder, so good!

My wedding day
We saw so much in our long weekend getaway, but I know that we haven’t scratched the surface. I cannot wait to visit the lovely state of Oregon once again. Most of all, Oregon is just a notch on our travel belt, but the place of my husband’s birth. It was eye opening to see where he grew up, and to hear his childhood stories. It was heartwarming to watch him play with Jocelyn at the same beaches and forest that his parents took him. Indeed, it was like dating my husband all over again. Never stop learning about your spouse. There is always something new to discover and appreciate about each other.
Thank you for reading!
Stay Chic.